Application open for King Street Station Advisors
The Seattle Office of Arts & Culture (ARTS) is now accepting applications for ARTS @ King Street Station Advisors. This is a newly formed group of community leaders and arts/culture enthusiasts who will work with ARTS staff to ensure that the programming at ARTS @ King Street Station centers racial equity, represents and welcomes diverse communities, and showcases many creative disciplines.
King Street Station Advisors will:
ADVISE ARTS as a peer review panel for proposals that emerge from the broader cultural community, and recommend programs to departmental leadership.
SHARE the activities of ARTS @ King Street Station with their communities. And likewise, share their communities’ ideas, interests, and concerns with ARTS.
INVITE arts and cultural communities to propose programs, events and exhibitions.
UPHOLD the mission, vision, and racial equity commitment of ARTS @ King Street Station
CONNECT between the immediate neighborhood, and cultural communities in and around Seattle.
We seek to build a diverse group of Advisors, representing a broad range of experiences, identities, backgrounds, ages, and cultures. There are no specific education or work requirements.
Advisors must be 15 years old by the first meeting on November 14, 2018. Signed parental/guardian permission needed for those under 18.
Advisors will serve a two-year term beginning November 2018 and ending October 2020. Meetings will take place on the 2nd Wednesdays of each month at King Street Station from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. Advisors will receive a $400 annual stipend to cover transportation/parking for meetings.
Find the guidelines and application in multiple languages here.
The deadline for applications is Wednesday, September 26, 2018, 5 p.m. PST
Contact S. Surface at (206) 256-5484 or e-mail at s.surface@seattle.gov.