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Call to Artist: Contemplation, Agility, and Sophistication

    • #24113
      Phylogeny Contemporary
      Posted By: Phylogeny Contemporary

      Call to Artist: Contemplation, Agility, and Sophistication
      Phylogeny Contemporary Begins its inaugural home season with a search to connect art collectors, and devotees to a reconsider significant periods in art history by engaging contemporary emerging and mid-career artist to originate new art, not as a duplication of style, but to bring the concept of the curatorial theory to modernity.

      Suprematism, Constructivism, and Futurism begin the series. Long ago I was moved by an exhibition at the Guggenheim about the art relating to the Russian Revolution. At present, the art of the protest is at the forefront of multi-faceted media coverage. Or is it art?

      I challenge the “protest poster” to elevate and return to the strength in delivering a message worthy of museum retrospectives for centuries to come. To investigate these three periods of significant change is again the focus of a exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art.

      The Village Voice* describes the exhibition: “A Revolutionary Impulse: The Rise of the Russian Avant-Garde,” a succinct yet marvelous exhibition that makes vivid the full force and reaches of the rebellious minds and hands working between 1912 and 1935. Although these artists will always stir the air in their own right, right now they pose a question and perhaps offer a model, too: In the midst of political upheaval — in the violent shaking of the social order, whether outmoded or outvoted — how might an artist be?

      Let’s re-think this concept “In the midst of political upheaval — in the violent shaking of the social order, whether outmoded or outvoted — how might an artist be?” Art protest has already exposed shock values and text based rants. People as a collective whole are exhausted and emotionally drained from the bombardment of aggressive bickering. Most when asked still want now more than ever to be a part of the change. It’s is not necessarily the message. It is how it is said.

      The Prospectus for this exhibition and about an amalgamation of modernity, originality, highly technical art combined with elements that made these three historical periods significant: Friction. Destruction. Invention. Vision.

      “The remarkable sense of creative urgency, radical cross-fertilization, and synthesis within the visual arts—and the aspirations among the Russian avant-garde to affect unprecedented sociopolitical transformation—wielded an influence on art production in the 20th century that reverberates throughout the course of modern history.”**


      Call to Artist:

      Entries due: March 15, 2017, midnight PST

      Phylogeny Contemporary
      2718 Elliott Avenue Seattle, WA 98121
      contact: Lori Johns
      [email protected]

      Please email to [email protected]
      the following for consideration:

      Website Address
      Social Media Addresses
      Proposal – a small statement describing your position on this particular theme described in detail above.
      Three to Four Images of your most recent body of work that would relate to your proposal.

      All Mediums are welcome, this is a small gallery, however, and larger scale works are prohibitive.

      *Krasinski, Jennifer. “MoMA Explores the Rise of the Avant-Garde in Bolshevik Russia.” Village Voice. February 14, 2017. Accessed February 14, 2017.

      **”A Revolutionary Impulse: The Rise of the Russian Avant-Garde | MoMA.” The Museum of Modern Art. Accessed February 14, 2017.

      Posted By:
      Phylogeny ContemporaryPhylogeny Contemporary
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