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City of Seattle: Apply For Artist Training: Public Art Boot Camp 2018

    • #32956
      Joe Admin
      Posted By: Joe Admin

      ARTS is invested in training the next generation of public artists who can create culturally relevant artworks that resonates with the diverse population of the city of Seattle. The Office of Arts & Culture (ARTS) is offering a FREE two-day intensive training for visual artists who are interested in working in the public realm but have never done so before. Artists will be selected through a competitive process for Public Art Boot Camp. All selected participants receive a basic training in public art practice and will be eligible to receive a commission for one of 14 temporary projects in the summer of 2018.


      Public Art Boot Camp is open to artists living in Washington or Oregon State who have not received a temporary or permanent public art commission over $5,000 (an artwork that is created by an artist at the request of an entity: public agency, private business, corporation, or individual and that is/was displayed in a public location). Applicants should have an interest in exploring the presentation of their work in public settings and an interest in community-building or enhancing the built environment.

      Selected artists must attend two full days of training from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. on both Saturday, February 17 and 24, 2018, at Seattle Center Armory.

      Priority will be given to emerging artists, artists from historically under-represented communities and communities of color. Applicants are not eligible if they have already received a temporary or permanently sited public art commission for more than $5,000.


      11 p.m., Tuesday, January 9, 2018. (Pacific Standard Time)


      Click here to apply on CaFÉ. For assistance with the CaFÉ online application process, contact CaFÉ tech support at (888) 562-7232 or email, Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.


      We strongly encourage you to attend the workshop in-person or online, especially if you are a first-time applicant.

      ARTS staff will share more information about Boot Camp and a former participant will talk about their experience. We will review steps of the CaFÉ application.

      Please register for Online Workshop: City of Seattle Public Art Boot Camp on Dec 12, 2017 12:00 PM PST at:

      Public Art Boot Camp Workshop
      Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2017, 6 -7:30pm
      El Centro de la Raza
      2524 16th Avenue South
      Seattle, WA 98144

      Posted By:
      Joe AdminJoe Admin
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