All artists and Photographers are invited to apply for the Dreamscape Juried Art Exhibition presented by Ten Moir Gallery.
Theme: We invite artists to explore the world of dreams, imagination, and fantasy. The theme encourages artists to submit artwork that reflects their deepest desires, aspirations, fears, and emotions. Dreamscape allows artists to push their boundaries and explore new dimensions of their creativity
All mediums accepted: Painting, Drawing, Photography, mixed media, digital, Sculpture Illustration and more.
Entry fee: $20 for 3 submissions: After May 31st: $25 for 3 submissions
Open to Emerging and established artist levels
Best in Show winner receives: $150 Cash Prize, Free entry to the Blu Sky Award ($500 award), Featured on homepage banner, Inclusion in a month long exhibition, E-blast announcement, Extensive social media exposure and a Award Certificate
1st, 2nd and 3rd Place winners receives: Inclusion in a month long exhibition, E-blast announcement, Extensive social media exposure, Award Certificate
All Finalists: promoted on our growing social media platforms and email coverage to 8000.
Copyright Info: Your images will be used only for marketing, promotional, and display purposes for any show organized by Ten Moir Gallery. You the artist agrees to allow Ten Moir Gallery to archive chosen artwork as part of exhibition. This will be available for public viewing on our website tenmoirgallery.com The artist shall retain all copyrights of any image they submit to Ten Moir Gallery.
More information can be found using this link: https://tenmoirgallery.com/dreamscape-open-call/