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The Translucent Subject & Solvent-Free Oil Painting

    • #20808
      Posted By: whidbeyislandfas

      Fruit, flowers, and glass are beautiful subjects because they glow. It is their illusive translucent nature that allows them to transmit light and color, but also makes them such challenging subjects. In this two-day workshop we’ll learn and practice the mechanics of translucence, and how it varies from painting opaque and transparent subjects. We accomplish this by painting small studies while developing a still life painting.

      Melissa Weinman will coach you through compositional strategies and demonstrate oil painting techniques with both brush and palette knife.

      Additionally, you’ll learn to oil paint without toxic fumes. During this two-day workshop we’ll learn how simple and important it is to paint without petroleum distillates. ( Please do not bring solvents like turpentine or odorless mineral spirits to class.)

      “Walnut Oil has been used interchangeably with linseed oil for over a thousand years. It flows more freely, and has less tendency to crack or yellow. Today it is known that Renaissance masters such as Da Vinci and Durer generally favored walnut oil over linseed oil.” –from M. Graham & Company materials.

      This two-day workshop is open to all levels. The cost is $260.

      Dates:  February 25 & 26, 2017

      Deadline for registration: January 25, 2017

      For more information and to register, visit

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