Posted By: LAHParticipant
Yutori” is a Japanese concept that translates to ‘living with spaciousness’. After reading a poem, you can be in that space of the poem, remembering, savoring an image, allowing your mind to move from one thought to another.
In this in-person workshop, you will continue to explore Wabi Sabi, the concept of accepting the impermanence of everything. By hand painting Japanese washi papers, you will learn design elements and principles, with the content being based on a poem (or poems) of your choice.
Dates: May 19, 20, 21 2023 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM Instructor: Donna Watson Coordinator: Lynn Hanson
Location: LYNN HANSON GALLERY DESIGN STUDIO 312 S Washington St Seattle, WA 98104
Workshop fee: $350
Detailed Information about the workshop, and supplies needed can be found at
Questions? email or call 206-960-2118